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How You Can Cook Healthy Food? Factors You Must Know While Cooking – Appropriate Food Temperature

How You Can Cook Healthy Food? Factors You Must Know While Cooking – Appropriate Food Temperature

Just as essential as how we prepare and preserve our food is how we cook it. Food poisoning is frequently caused by improper cooking. Food poisoning can also result from cross-contamination of raw and cooked meals, such as from hands, chopping boards, or utensils. To destroy the majority of food poisoning germs, most items, especially meat, poultry, fish, and eggs, should be fully cooked. Generally, food should be cooked to a minimum of 75 °C or higher. When prepared, food must be consumed immediately, maintained at a temperature higher than 60 °C, or chilled, covered, and kept in the refrigerator or freezer. In this article, you will know about different Food Safety Techniques that you can apply in your own cooking. Indeed, these techniques will provide you with some hands-on tips that enhance the safety level of your food. 


People That Are More Vulnerable to Food Poisoning:


Food poisoning poses a greater risk to certain persons than to others. Among the vulnerable groups are:
Women who are pregnant, kids, seniors, and others with chronic illnesses.
When preparing, cooking, serving, and preserving food for these populations, extra care should be given.


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Safety While Cooking Food:


In some foods than others, food poisoning germs are more likely to proliferate. Foods that pose a danger include:

  • Meats, both raw and cooked, such as chicken and minced meat, and the dishes that incorporate them, such as lasagne, curries, and casseroles
  • Dairy products, such as custard, and dairy-based desserts, such as custard tarts and cheesecake
  • Eggs and egg products, such as mousse
  • Tiny items like ham and salami
  • Seafood, including seafood salad, patties, fish balls, stews
  • With seafood and fish stock, 
  • Cooked rice and pasta, 
  • Prepared fruit salads, and items that are ready to eat like Sandwiches, buns, and pizza that include any of the aforementioned foods.


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The danger zone for temperature and meals high in risk

  • Watch out for risky foods. You must keep in mind:
  • Foods with a high risk of contamination should not be exposed to the danger zone of 5 to 60 °C.
  • High-risk meals should be warmed, refrigerated, or ingested if they have been in the temperature danger zone for up to two hours.
  • High-risk foods should be consumed right away if they have been exposed to the temperature danger zone for more than 2 hours but less than 4 hours.
  • Any high-risk foods that have spent more than 4 hours in the temperature danger zone should be thrown away.

To a temperature of 75 °C, cook all meals.

Food preparation is extremely crucial. Various dishes require various methods:

  • When cooking food, strive for an internal temperature of 75 °C or higher. Most food poisoning germs are eliminated when food is heated to this temperature. When cooking, use a thermometer to monitor the interior temperatures of the meal.
  • Cook ground beef, sausages, entire birds, or stuffed foods all the way through. There shouldn’t be any pink flesh visible, and the fluids need to be transparent.
  • Steak, chops, and complete slices of red meat may generally be cooked to your choice because the majority of food poisoning germs reside on the surface. However, you should make sure your meat is well cooked to lower that danger if you are at a higher risk of the more severe consequences of toxoplasmosis (for example, if are pregnant or immunocompromised).
  • Fish should be cooked until a fork can easily pierce it.
  • Egg-based dishes like omelettes and baked egg custards should be completely cooked.


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Food Safety of Eating Raw Eggs:


When making meals that include raw eggs, such as homemade mayonnaise, hollandaise sauce, and sweets like tiramisu and mousse, use particular caution. These kinds of foods can be contaminated by bacteria found on eggshells and inside the egg, which can result in food poisoning.

Pregnant women, small children, the elderly, and anybody suffering from a chronic condition shouldn’t consume anything containing raw eggs.


The Safety of Food During Microwave Cooking:


food safety


Food may be quickly and easily prepared in microwave ovens. They can, however, cook food unevenly if they are not utilised properly. If this happens, food may only be half cooked or may not achieve a consistent temperature of 75 °C. When using a microwave to prepare food:

  • If at all feasible, cut food into uniformly sized pieces and place larger or thicker things at the dish’s the outside border.
  • Use plastic wrap or a microwave-safe lid to cover the meal. The steam will be trapped in here, resulting in more uniform cooking.
  • During cooking, toss and rotate the meal.
  • Prior to determining that the cooking is finished, wait till the standing time is done. Even after the microwave is switched off, food continues to cook.


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Preserving and Cooling Food:


Wait until the steam stops rising before covering the meal and placing it in the refrigerator if you need to keep it for later use. This aids in getting the food as quickly as possible out of the temperature danger zone. When you split or place large amounts of food into smaller ones, they cool more quickly.

If you must keep food warm, keep it above 60 °C and away from the danger zone.

Cooked food may be kept in the refrigerator for a few days with the right storage conditions. After chilling in the refrigerator, prepare food that should be frozen right away if you want to preserve it fresher longer.

Store cooked food in a different area from raw food, especially when it comes to raw fish, poultry, and meats. To prevent raw juices from leaking onto other foods, store raw meats and poultry toward the bottom of the refrigerator. Make sure all food is sealed or covered.


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Reheat Food Until it is Piping Hot:


Reheat the dish to a temperature over 75 °C, or ideally boiling, so that it is steaming hot. The entire piece of food should steam, not just the edges. When reheating food in a microwave, use caution. To guarantee that all the food is heated to a temperature over 75 °C, use the same steps as when using a microwave.


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