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The Best Persian Marinated Olives (Zeytoon Parvardeh) Recipe that will use as the best Brunch You Ever Had!

The Best Persian Marinated Olives (Zeytoon Parvardeh) Recipe that will use as the best Brunch You Ever Had!

Persian-style olives! Try excellent olives marinated (Zeytoon Parvardeh) in pomegranate molasses, walnuts, and spices for a terrific taste combo! I just cannot fathom a day going by without me chewing on a dozen olives, especially if I have these very tasty olives in my fridge! Olives play a significant role in my eating life.


The extra virgin olive oil and walnuts in the dish I’m sharing with you today are two members of Team Good Fat since they both contain healthy fats and taste great. Since they improve how well our bodies work and how we feel, we attempt to include beneficial fats into various dishes as much as we can.


The Persian Zeytoon Parvardeh:


best persian snacks


Zeytoon Parvardeh, or Persian marinated olives, are another invention based on my preferred flavour combination. They’re a delicious alternative to the typically marinated olives. Because the pomegranate molasses and walnuts have an acidic, nutty flavour that is quite irresistible. They originate from Iran’s north, specifically the province of Guilan, and are often prepared with choochagh, a regional plant that is exclusively present in that region. The herb that comes closest to it in the US is mint.


What So Special in This Recipe?


This dish is special because of the ingredients used to create the Persian-style olives. The inclusion of walnuts, which add richness and a delicate taste balance to the dish, completes the fantastic combination of the acidity of pomegranate molasses, mint, and olives.


q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B07C35RYBG&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=minification2 20&language=en US Pakistani Food Boxir?t=minification2 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B07C35RYBG Pakistani Food Box


Zeytoon Parvardeh Variation With Walnuts:



Persian Marinated Olive

Beginning with olives. The tastiest olives for this dish are green ones. Put them in a bowl and top them with chopped mint, walnuts, and walnuts. Olive oil and pomegranate molasses should then be added. Mix each item thoroughly with a spoon until everything is completely blended. Before serving, it’s crucial to chill them for at least an hour. However, I advise chilling for one or two days to let the tastes meld and blend completely.


Hand-on Tips While Making Zeytoon Parvardeh:


best Persian food


  • Green olives are required in this Persian recipe for spicy marinated olives with walnuts and pomegranates.
  • You may use the olives whole or diced, depending on their size.
  • In this recipe, walnuts can be ground or chopped.
  • The paste made from ground walnuts, garlic, salt, mint, pomegranate molasses, and olive oil is typically used with olives.


q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B07BJ3Y94W&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=minification2 20&language=en US Pakistani Food Boxir?t=minification2 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B07BJ3Y94W Pakistani Food Box


  • These olives taste tastier the longer they are stored in the refrigerator.
  • If you adore garlic, increase the number of cloves in this recipe from seven.
  • Serve marinated olives with grilled meat, rice dishes, sandwiches, and other grilled foods.



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How To Make Best Persian Zeytoon Parvardeh?

August 7, 2022
: 4
: 20 min
: 20 min
: 40 min
: Low Difficulty Level

Zeytoon Parvardeh, or Persian marinated olives, are another invention based on my preferred flavour combination. They're a delicious alternative to the typically marinated olives. Because the pomegranate molasses and walnuts have an acidic, nutty flavour that is quite irresistible. They originate from Iran's north, specifically the province of Guilan, and are often prepared with choochagh, a regional plant that is exclusively present in that region. The herb that comes closest to it in the US is mint.


Zeytoon Parvardeh Recipe I got from my Maman 2 Pakistani Food Box
  • Green Olives, 2 cups
  • Walnuts, finely chopped, 1 1/2 cups
  • 7 minced garlic cloves
  • 1 Cup chopped fresh mint
  • Pomegranate Molasses, 2/3 cup
  • 4 tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Salt, 1 teaspoon
  • Step 1 In a large bowl, combine the olives, walnuts, mint, and garlic. Stir thoroughly.
  • Step 2 Olive oil and pomegranate molasses should be added. Once all the ingredients are mixed, thoroughly stir.
  • Step 3 Use salt to season. For at least two hours, cover and chill.
  • Step 4 Offer chilled.
  • Step 5 It all depends on you whether you want the olives whole or sliced. Make sure the pieces are not too tiny if you choose to cut them.
  • Step 6 Walnuts can be ground or chopped. The walnuts can be ground into a paste, which is how it appears in Persian stores in the northern part of Iran when combined with the other ingredients (apart from the olives).
  • Step 7 Use two teaspoons of dried mint in the absence of fresh mint.
  • Step 8 Start with two and a third cups of pomegranate molasses, and if you want the marinated olives to be sourer, add more after two hours of chilling.


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