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The Famous Phajja Siri Paye Lahore Speciality – Why Lahore is So in Love with Phajja Siri Paye?

The Famous Phajja Siri Paye Lahore Speciality – Why Lahore is So in Love with Phajja Siri Paye?

Think about the city that has the finest cuisine you’ve ever had. You can get a good idea of how amazing Lahore’s culinary scene is by imagining that on steroids. The vibrant Punjabi metropolis is a foodie’s paradise, with several competitors for the top eateries in Lahore. Among all the famous restaurants and local dhabas, the Phajja Siri Paye is where you can get the best Siri Paye of your life. The place is so renowned that many international food bloggers visit Lahore, Pakistan just to taste Phajja’s Paye. Phajja Kay Pay is a dish that is renowned in Lahori street food. Especially, Lahore’s Breakfast cuisine is incomplete without considering Phajjy Kay Paye.


Here is the review of the oldest Paya House in Lahore  – Phajja Siri Paye.


Phajja Siri Paye:


Phajja Siri Paye


Here is a review of the Fazl e Haq chain of eateries, often known as Phajja. We are now talking about genuine true Lahori flavour. Even Lahore’s neighbouring cities have not been discovered to be particularly interested in goat Paye (feet) or Siri (heads). Doesn’t it sound revolting? 


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People go to Lahore from all across the nation simply to sample the Siri Paye. You currently need to look at the Phajja Siri Paye Lahore Menu. One of Lahore’s well-known Siri Paye locations is Phajja. This popular location is in the walled city of Lahore and is crowded with people. You may stop by this location to indulge in all the Lahori favourites. This location is constantly packed. So, gentlemen, if you want to come here to eat, be prepared to wait before receiving your order. View the menu and the other crucial information right here.


Manu of Phajja Siri Paye:


Phajja Siri Paye speciality


One of the most well-known restaurants among Lahoris and fans of Indian food. The greatest Paye and Siri in town may be found here. Visit Phajja Siri Paye if you truly enjoy eating Indian food in this area. You must go to the restaurant’s official website to check how appetising their cuisine is.


Phajja Paye Menu



If you are a Lahori and don’t enjoy eating Indian food, you are not truly a Lahori. If you’re thinking about going here, you should first look at the menu costs. We’ve included a detailed breakdown of the whole menu, along with pricing, on the side that’s below.


Phajja Siri Paye Speciality:


These are the restaurant’s unique offerings. Look at the images provided below. We have included enticing images of the Phajja in the photographs. People come here mostly on Sunday mornings to eat Paya and the Maghaz. The decision is now yours; decide to have breakfast here. To influence your friends’ opinions, open any of the photographs and then display them.


q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B003MU9F4W&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=minification2 20&language=en US Pakistani Food Boxir?t=minification2 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B003MU9F4W Pakistani Food Box


Original Phajja Siri Paye Resturant:


Look at the pictures of this location. You would be mistaken to believe that they lack a sizable sitting place for the family. You are welcome to bring friends and family members as well. In addition, you like coming here to unwind with your pals.


Original Phajja Siri Paye



Address: Walled City, Kali Beri Bazar, Lahore

5.15 a.m. until 2:00 a.m.




Perhaps the first person to commercialise the concept was Fazl e Haq, also known as Mr Phajja, who opened a restaurant called Phajjay Ke Paye in Hira Mandi’s Red Light District (Taxali Gate). People would (and still do) go to this location every morning to queue up for a meal of rubbery and sticky goat feet. On the other hand, Siri is not a morning item. Assortments like Maghaz (brain), Zuban (tongue), and Khad (jawbone) are frequently served with meals in Siri, all of which are cooked. It is consumed with Kulcha or Roti. He may have begun his business in the Lahore red light area because of the dishes’ rumoured aphrodisiac properties.



Fazl e Haq has developed into a network of eateries that now spans practically all of Lahore’s major districts. Included in this is the Fortress stadium (which can be seen in the image), Gawalmandi, the Red Light District, Model Town, and perhaps a few other locations that I am not aware of. Along with their specialities, the new menu also offers traditional Indian fare.

To get the real experience, you must visit the Taxali gate outlet. In close proximity to the Shahi Mosque. If you believe that using Siri Paye might be dangerous, you should visit the Fortress stadium shop.


Phajja Siri Paye Deliciousness:


The tastiest meal in Lahore may be found at Phaja Siri Paye, a modest restaurant close to the Badshahi Mosque. Paya and mutton brain curry are the local specialities; Pakistanis are likely to be familiar with and enamoured with both dishes.

Don’t let the names frighten off visitors who may be there for the first time! Here, the goat’s foot is flavourful prepared and incredibly DELICIOUS. The mutton brain curry, which sounds stranger than it tastes, was also fantastic.


q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B016OD70Q8&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=minification2 20&language=en US Pakistani Food Boxir?t=minification2 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B016OD70Q8 Pakistani Food Box 


Though there are other “Phajja Siri Paye” locations listed on Google Maps, you want to check for “Asil Phajja Siri Paye.”

It is the ideal site to stop by before or after seeing famous locations like the Lahore Fort or the Minar-e-Pakistan because of its location in the Walled City.


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