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How Turkish People Celebrate Eid-ul- Adha? Turkish Eid Special Adana Kebab Recipe

How Turkish People Celebrate Eid-ul- Adha? Turkish Eid Special Adana Kebab Recipe

As of July 10th, 2022, Muslims all around the world will be commemorating the Feast of Sacrifice, Eid-e-Kurban or Eid al-Adha.  This is the time of year when family and friends gather to exchange food, and charity is at the top of the list. Meals are shared with friends and family, and contributions to charity and sharing food with the poor and needy are what distinguishes Eid-e-Kurban. Another pleasure is visiting relatives and friends; we kids would dress up and pay our respects to the elders (and spoilt with delicious sweets). As always, celebration in Turkey is incomplete without their particular delicacies. You can find different Turkish recipes in our Turkish food boxes. In this blog post, I will provide you with a detailed recipe for Turkish Eid Special Adana Kebab by CZN Burak.


Kebabs on Eid-e-Kurban:


Eid-ul-Adha Special


It’s no secret that we adore kebabs in Turkish cuisine. Almost every city in Turkey has its own kebab recipe. Everything from döner kebab and beef kofta kebab to iskender kebap and marinated lamb shish kebabs or chicken shish kebab is delicious. We love eating them all on Eid-e-Kurban or Eid-ul-Adha. Today we are making Adana Kebabs that you can cook on the second day of Eid. These kebabs are made of ground lamb and spices. These kebabs are easy to make and may even be frozen for a faster prep the following time. They use simple yet tasty ingredients and don’t contain anything difficult to locate.


Origin of the Adana Kebab:


Adana Kebabs


Adana kebabs are a tasty Turkish meal that originated in the Turkish city of Adana. These are particularly distinctive kebabs cooked with lamb meat, preferably minced with a specific sharp knife known as ‘zrh’. They are skewered on huge iron or wooden skewers and roasted over a charcoal fire. Depending on the number of persons purchasing it, these skewers can occasionally be as long as 2 metres.


What type of Meat for Adana Kebabs?


Turkish Adana Kebabs


Adana kebabs are traditionally made with young male lamb meat. Only feed the lamb in its natural habitat. Lamb meat, like an excellent sac kavurma, is the most vital element of this delectable kebab. This lamb’s flesh is chopped by hand and then blended with tail fat, a unique fat extracted from the lamb’s tail.


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Today, there are several variations on this dish, as with other traditional meals. Most individuals exclusively consume lamb meat, regardless of gender, age, or background. And we are aware that if you are not in Turkey, finding tail fat is the simplest thing in the world. In this dish, we’ll use normal ground lamb.


Step-by-Step Instructions For Adana Kebabs:

Ground lamb kebabs are yet another tasty and simple meal. Because the original recipe doesn’t include a lot of components, you may easily customise it by adding some different spices!


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First, gather your materials. Soak your skewers for 30 minutes in water.

Next, prepare the lamb combination. Combine the ground lamb meat, red pepper flakes, paprika, and salt in a mixing bowl. With your hands, combine the ingredients until they are uniformly sticky.

Third, skewer the meat. Cut the lamb mixture into 4-6 pieces. Before rolling each piece into a ball, wet your hands. Form a flattened kebab by wrapping the ball around the skewer.

Fourth, cook the kebabs. Brush some oil into a cast-iron pan or grill. Cook for 8-10 minutes, flipping them every 2 minutes. To ensure that all of the kebabs cook evenly, do not overcrowd the skillet.


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Cook the accompaniments if desired. While the kebabs are cooking, roast the tomatoes and peppers in a separate cast iron pan, or the same skillet if large enough. They should just be scorched, not fully cooked. Adana kebabs should be served with sautéed tomatoes, peppers, and fresh parsley.


If you want to cook Adana Kebabs in Oven then Preheating your oven to 400°F (200°C) is recommended. Bake the kebabs in a single layer on a wire rack for 20 minutes. Take them out of the oven and flip them over. Place the tomatoes and peppers on top of the rack and bake for another 20 minutes.


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Turkish Eid Special Adana Kebab Recipe

July 7, 2022
: 4
: 60 min
: 45 min
: 1 hr 45 min
: Medium Difficulty Level

Adana kebabs are traditionally made with young male lamb meat. Only feed the lamb in its natural habitat. Lamb meat, like an excellent sac kavurma, is the most vital element of this delectable kebab. This lamb's flesh is chopped by hand and then blended with tail fat, a unique fat extracted from the lamb's tail.


adana kebab meat turkish cuisine Pakistani Food Box
  • 1/2 kg ground lamb
  • One tsp hot red chilli paper flake
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • 1 tsp salt
  • For Serving:
  • 2-3 tomatoes
  • Green paper
  • Parsley
  • Step 1 4 broad wooden skewers, soaked in water Allow them to sit for 30 minutes.
  • Step 2 Combine the ground lamb, red pepper flakes, paprika, and salt in a mixing bowl. Mix with your hands until everything is fully incorporated and the mixture is sticky.
  • Step 3 Depending on the size of the skewers, cut the meat into 4-6 pieces.
  • Step 4 Wet your hands and shape each piece into a ball before wrapping it on a skewer to produce a flattened kebab.
  • Step 5 Warm-up a cast iron skillet (or a grill). Brush it with oil or spray it with cooking spray. Cook the kebabs in batches, turning them every few minutes. They will be ready in 8-10 minutes. If the skillet isn’t large enough, don’t overfill it.
  • Step 6 Cook tomatoes and peppers, halved or whole, in another hot pan while the kebabs are frying. Don’t allow them to fully cook. Getting some chars on them would suffice.
  • Step 7 Serve with cooked tomatoes, peppers, and fresh parsley.




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